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Under the project ADOTTA UN PROGETTO DI RICERCA (Adopt a research project), Sfoglia Torino adopted the research project FFC/TFCF, which is the preclinical phase of the Fondazione Ricerca Fibrosi Cistica Onlus.
The project Task Force for Cystic Fibrosis has identified some very active new compounds in vitro to correct the protein CFTR. The clinical phase is used to evaluate pharmacokinetics, possible toxicity, useful and safe dosage aimed at the clinical study of the FC sufferers.
Tiziano Bandiera (Department Drug Discovery, Italian Institute of Technology, IIT, Genoa)
Nicoletta Pedemonte (Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Institut G. Gaslini, Genoa);
Main external consultant: Luis Galietta (Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine - TIGEM, Naples)
Involved researchers: 18
Duration: 1 year
Financing : € 2.000.000